Sacred Datura


All species of Datura are DEADLY POISON.
Toxicity levels can vary widely from plant to plant.
It is impossible to determine a safe dosage outside of a laboratory.
Even if it doesn't kill you, you can suffer permanent mental and physical damage.

This Web site is INFORMATIONAL ONLY and does not suggest or endorse ingesting Datura.

Double Butte Graffiti

This is the OG photo, where I first noticed the graffiti, but not until I got home and was looking at the day's photo dump. I had thought the path here was an east-west path, so when I went looking for the graffiti the next two days I couldn't find it. Then, looking closer at the photo, I realized the it was actually a north-south trail, and on the third day I found it.

When I arrived at the graffiti it was visible from one of the dirt roads, approximately 15 meters up the hill. I found a trail that traversed the side of the hill and got to within about 7 meters, from where I took this photo. I noticed there was another trail branching off that would put me within 2 meters, and decided to return and hike up to it the next day.

These were taken today, as close as I could get to it, the third with optical zoom. Disclaimer: there was a nearly vertical trail that would put me right up at the rock face, but it is beyond my hiking/climbing skill. However, it remains an intriguing possibility as my skills improve.

To provide context, this photo was taken from the dirt road that passes closest to the graffiti; getting closer requires hiking up trails. You can see the first trail here: it starts at the lower left, where the fronds are, and moves up and to the right, before it switches back left behind a bush. I'm not the best at estimating heights, but I'm guessing it is about 15 meters, as I said before.

Finally, the obligatory selfies.